Team TLC’s Big Clean up and Repairs at Diamond Jubilee Park
Our colleagues in the Green Space and Parks and Playground Maintenance teams were called upon this week to clear the aftermath of rubbish and debris left in Diamond Jubilee Park and carry out maintenance repairs.
Following a visit from travellers to Diamond Jubilee Park, Stockport’s Neighbourhood Team requested help at short notice to clear the area and carry out emergency repairs to damaged fencing and bollard at the main entrance.
Jane Bardsley, Senior Neighbourhood Officer said:
“Can you please pass on a big thank you to all the teams involved in the clean up on site today, for the speedy response once again to my shout for help.
Also a number of residents that have been quite vocal throughout the group’s occupation have been in touch to say they appreciate the work that has been undertaken today”.
We also received praise and thanks from local residents via Councillor David Meller.
A local resident said:
“Could I ask you to pass on our thanks to whoever has cleaned Jubilee Park in Cheadle today. The park looks spick and span and I am more than impressed”.
Ian Walmsley, Head of Neighbourhoods said:
“Deserved recognition – Please would you also let the teams involved know that I’m also really pleased with both the speed of response and the standard of the work delivered”.
Thank you to our colleagues in the Green Space and Parks and Playground Maintenance Teams – Great work and well deserved recognition!