Solutions SK quick response helps save Bramhall’s Stable Gate café from fire

Posted On: 17 May 2017

At 10pm on Monday evening, Solutions SK’s security control room received a fire alarm indicating an alert at Bramhall Hall. Solutions SK’s control operator responded swiftly and efficiently alerting Greater Manchester Fire Service and Solutions SK mobile guards.


Our security guards arrived onsite rapidly to open the building for the emergency services.


As a result of the agile response by Solutions SK’s security team, the fire services accessed the building, isolated the issue and put the fire out resulting in minimal damage.


Bramhall cafeThe Stable café opened the next day at the normal time. Managing Director of Mosaic Hospitality Ltd, Kirsten Inverarity commented on Solutions SK prompt response to the incident,







My colleagues and I found Solutions SK mobile guards that attended the fire incident at the Stables Kitchen on Monday evening to be both informative and helpful throughout.  Both their prompt actions and the swift professional work of the fire team led to minimal damage and the prevention of a more serious event.

Thankfully Stockport has teams such as Solutions SK security team and the fire service that work together in harmony to respond to serious incidents in a rapid and efficient manner.


A fire service spokesman said:


It smoke logged the cafe and there was quite a lot of charring left but it could have been much more serious; without a speedy response the cafe could have been lost.



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