Commercial Recycling
Turning your refuse into a valuable resource for the planet.
We offer a comprehensive commercial recycling service for businesses and organisations of all sizes. We’ll help your business recycle from start to finish – starting with somewhere to store your recyclable waste, through to collection. Our totally local collectors will be on hand when you need us, and since we are local you’ll get a tailored experience handled by real people. Our commercial recycling services are better for the planet, and better for your community.
CALL 0161 474 5581
Our clients include:
- Blue-chip Organisations
- Business Parks
- SMEs
- Care Homes
- Sole Traders
- Schools and Colleges
- Local Authorities
All materials, waste and equipment for disposal are covered under our Waste Carrier and Broker’s licences.
Get in touch using the form below or call 0161 474 5581 to see what commercial recycling solutions we can provide for you.
Businesses and organisations must comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 when recycling waste. Under these regulations you must:
- Keep waste to a minimum by following the 5 R’s of Waste Management.
- Separate and store waste recycling safely and securely, which TLC can help you with.
- Ensure your waste carriers are licensed (all of our materials, waste and equipment for disposal are covered under our Waste Carrier and Broker’s licences).
Commercial recycling is not just about complying with government law but it’s a duty of care from your business to our planet and our people too.
- It makes a positive impact on the environment by helping to reduce our reliance on unsustainable resources and saving energy. It’s more energy efficient to create things from recycled products than from raw materials.
- Commercial recycling boosts green credentials and is key to a sustainable approach for your organisation.
- Ethically and legally, recycling is the right choice which is why we offer a helping hand to make it easy for you.
There are several recycling targets set by the UK government for the coming years that apply to businesses like yours. Alongside reducing the usage of single-use plastics and the like, the targets include:
- 75% of packaging waste to be recycled each year by 2030.
- 85% of paper/card, 81% of glass, and 56% of plastic packaging to be recycled by 2030.
- Cut how much waste goes to landfill to 10% by 2030.