Solutions SK helping to keep Stockport Safe
Do you know just how safe Solutions SK help keep Stockport?
Did you know?
Our CCTV room links to the police and we are the only security team in Stockport that does.
Our team of skilled engineers and security personnel work 24 hours, 7 days a week and 364 days a year monitoring alarms and working alongside the emergency police services helping to provide peace of mind across Stockport.
Here is one example of the type of work our security team does:
As the night was nearing in and the people across Stockport were settling in, SSK security and local police prevented an incident that could have harmed many people if it wasn’t for their working partnership.
Our expertise and Police assistance enabled them to detain six trouble-making youths and recover one firearm in Stockport’s town centre. Following this two males were placed in custody for firearms offences.
The team’s observations ensured a speedy and effective response with no harm to the public or any Police staff.
Inspector De Mainem from the Stockport Division followed up to explain:
I dare say without their joint communications this would have proven to be a more difficult incident to control and command.
For more information on our Security Services click here