Eat Them To Defeat Them – Pea Week
In the final week of Eat Them To Defeat Them, Mrs Pea from TLC went to Cheadle RC Infants, St Mary’s Moston and Oakgrove schools.
She held tasters with children in the playground in the sunshine at St Mary’s. The mangetout and sugar snap peas went down a storm with the Key Stage 2 children. Oakgrove had a similar tasting in the dining room that was also really well received.
Our Cook in Charge at Ladybrook, Suzanne, made lots of different pea recipes – which the children loved. She also delivered pea and broccoli tasters to the classes. Some of the smaller children were a little unsure of the broccoli bites, but everything else was a huge hit across all age groups. The pea cake went down especially well!
A number of children have shared that they are sad that Eat Them To Defeat Them isn’t continuing next week. They really enjoyed costume visits from Mrs Pea (and Mrs Tomato, Broccoli, Pepper and Carrot too!).
A massive Shout Out to all our teams who have been taking part this year. We’ve seen (and heard about) amazing food from our schools taking part.
We’re sure you’ll agree that TLC has really inspired and encouraged children to eat more veg over the last five weeks. Of course it doesn’t stop there, Eat Them To Defeat Them may be over for another year – but all of our kitchen teams will continue to inspire and engage our children throughout the year.
Want to know more about our School Catering offering? Please get in touch: https://www.totallylocalcompany.co.uk/contact/