Celebrating Success – Newly Qualified LGV License
Congratulations to James Collins
James Collins is a Sign-Shop Operative and he started an apprenticeship scheme in 2020 to undertake Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) License training.
During his training scheme James had to go through a range of assessments to demonstrate competence against the requirements set out in the apprenticeship standard with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.
The training has taken James a little longer than planned due to COVID-19, but he persevered with his course work and training. Our Fleet Officer, Bob Capper, supported James with his training and was involved with his progress reports, mid-point assessment, and his final assessment.
James said; “I am really pleased to have successfully achieved my LGV qualification. This license has not only increased my skills base, this will support my team as I am now qualified to drive the large Sign-Shop vehicle, and I don’t need to depend on anyone to drive me to jobs to carry out the installations. Thanks also to Bob Capper for his expertise and support during my training.”
Well done to James for his LGV License achievement, this enables him to drive other Large Goods Vehicles which is a great asset to the company.