Celebrating Success – East and West Area Park Teams

Celebrating Success – East and West Area Park Teams

Posted On: 14 Aug 2020

During the lockdown, playgrounds and play areas were temporarily closed and off limits for several weeks. Our Parks team’s resources were utilised to support other services such as street cleansing and fly tipping.

During the park closures and over a period of three months the grasses had grown to some 24 inches high, so you can imagine that the teams have had their work cut out!

Now that our teams are able to continue their maintenance work to our parks and green spaces, you will see from the images that our team colleagues have added their magic touch to all things green, and their photographs speak a thousand words.

Our East and West Area Parks teams have worked hard to make our local playgrounds and play areas look amazing once again.

Well done to the East and West Area Parks Teams.

East Area Parks

West Area Parks

St John’s Wood
Three Acres Drive
Mellor Memorial Park
Heaton Norris Park
Bruntwood Park maintained after lockdown 1
Bruntwood Park
Bruntwood Park Play Area
Bruntwood Park maintained after lockdown 2
Bruntwood Park
Bruntwood Park Play Area

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