Celebrating Success – TLC’s New Signage Project – ‘One Stockport’
Our operations teams in the Sign-Shop and Street Lighting have been busy preparing signage for the new ‘One Stockport’ campaign over the last few weeks.
The One Stockport campaign is about working collaboratively to build a better future for everyone, supporting the local economy, connecting communities and promoting health and wellbeing. Key to this is supporting the recovery process after COVID-19 to help people reopen their businesses safely, and ensuring that we ease out of the lock down period safely.
Totally Local Company is currently installing all of the new signage, aligned with the new health and safety measures put in place which is a clear reminder to residents and visitors to ‘Maintain Social Distancing’, to keep themselves safe and consider the safety of others for the foreseeable future.
This is a substantial project and the Sign-Shop have worked collaboratively on the design, print and production, with the Street Lighting team who are currently carrying out the installations of 800 signs. You will see the new signage displayed in the streets, roads and towns across Stockport, and the work will be completed at the end of June.
You can read more about the campaign at www.onestockport.co.uk
Well done to our Sign-Shop and Street Lighting colleagues for their hard work and